Amastuola Primitivo

18 months of wood aging in combination with stainless steel aging makes this Primitivo a full, harmonious and powerful wine. In smell and taste hints of plums, cherries, minerals and even cinnamon. At the end the pleasant taste of herbs lingers. Everything is how a Primitivo should taste. And this organic version is the reference for this noble grape variety.

TheAmastuoala vineyards are a unique example of aesthetic production. The vineyards were designed by landscape architect Fernando Caruncho. There are 1500 olive trees of more than 800 years old around the undulating vineyards. The more than 100 hectares of exclusively organic vineyards are located in the heart of the Mediterranean in Puglia on a 210 meter high plateau. Organic cultivation brings out the flavors and aromas of the rich minerals. Amastuola combines the love and passion for nature with modern technologies, to produce excellent wines to produce.

Additional information


Grape varieties



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Flavor profile


Wine House

Type of wine